June 03, 2013

Hello, World! #day1


Sudah berabad-abad rasanya tidak berkunjung ke blog saya sendiri. Saatnya membersihkan sarang laba-laba yang bergelayut di sana sini dan memulai aktivitas blogging kembali. (baca: nyampah)

Time flies. Terakhir menulis postingan tanggal 8 Agustus 2012 dan sekarang tanggal 3 Juni 2013, bok! It was such a long hiatus. Gilak, kemana aja saya?

Iya saya terlalu sibuk mondar-mandir kuliah s2 dan ngajar -- enggak juga sih sebenernya, banyak saaaantaaaaiiii dan haha hihi malah. :p

Mata kuliah udah habis nih sejak Januari kemarin, sekarang tinggal lanjut tesis. Btw, wisuda Agustus taun ini kekejar ngga ya?

*bangun woi bangun! 2 bulan lagi agustus!* #siramaer


Oke, nambah satu semester lagi ini mah. Satu semesternya dicetak miring, digaris bawah dan diwarnai tebal. Satu semester aja. Ngga lebih.


Anyway, mulai hari ini mari kita memposting tulisan setiap hari sampai 30 hari ke depan. #30daysbloggingchallenge gitu deh. Siapa tau dengan semangat menulis di blog ini -- walopun random -- bisa menular juga pada penulisan tesis. Hehe. Semangat!!!

August 18, 2012

Jalan Jalan Men: Travel Series Paling PECAAAH!

Udah pernah denger Indonesia Travel Series berjudul Jalan Jalan Men? Untuk yang baru pertama kali denger, I’ll make a review about this.

Jalan Jalan Men adalah video tentang petualangan Jebraw pergi ke tempat-tempat unik di Indonesia. Jebraw akan ditemani seorang cewek loveable dan pintar main harmonika bernama Naya. Video-video ini hanya ditayangkan di Youtube. Berdasarkan deskripsi di feed, Jalan Jalan Men merupakan show yang dibuat oleh malesbanget.com – sebuah channel kumpulan video lucu dan web series Indonesia dengan berbagai tema. Episode pertama Jalan Jalan Men dipublikasikan tanggal 24 Juli 2012. Sampai sekarang sudah ada 4 episode yang semuanya merupakan travel series Jebraw ke Yogyakarta. Mau tau apa tujuan Jebraw ke Jogja? NYARI DINOSAURUS MEEEN!!! Non sense banget kan! LOL! 

Banyak sekali tempat-tempat eksotis yang ditemui Jebraw selama di Jogja seperti  Alun-alun Jogja, Goa Pindul, Borobudur, Keraton, dan Tamansari. Kalo lo nonton shows ini, lo pasti akan banyak sekali mendengar si Jebraw bilang ‘men’, ‘gitu’, atau yang paling hips: ‘PECAH BANGET MEN!’. Itung aja sendiri berapa kali dia bilang kata-kata itu. Buat lo yang bingung arti kata-kata ‘pecah banget’ bisa cek di kamusslang.com. (Gue belom liat sih bener ada atau enggak).

Entah di episode keberapa, Jebraw tuh kalo jalan-jalan sebelah pake sandal sebelah pake sepatu. Haha edan! Pokonya ngakak maksimal deh kalo nonton video ini. Dan gak akan pernah berhenti ketawa walaupun diulang-ulang.

Video travel series ini konsepnya sangat fresh dan berbeda dari travel series yang pernah dibuat di televisi Indonesia. Editan gambarnya keren banget, kualitas gambarnya juga oke plus diiringi lagu-lagu yang cocok banget sama suasananya. Lagu-lagu tersebut Jebraw semua yang nyanyiin dengan bermodalkan sebuah ukulele yang selalu dia bawa.

Nah siapa sih Jebraw? Nama aslinya Petra Gabriel Michael. Kenapa bisa dipanggil Jebraw ya? Gue jg gak tau, yang jelas dia tuh absurd seabsurd namanya. Jebraw itu host travel series paling gilak dan paling random yang pernah gue liat. Menurut biodata yang dibuat malesbanget.com di #FollowFriday-nya, Jebraw mungkin adalah salah satu orang paling rusuh di dunia. Kelakuannya di Teaser Jalan Jalan Men semuanya gak ada yang dibuat-buat. Kata adminnya lagi, Jebraw mengidap ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Dan dia mengakuinya dengan bangga.

Oiya, si Petra ini juga seorang vokalis band lho. Nama bandnya yaitu Real. Suaranya keren banget. Serak-serak basah gitu. Entar lo bakal liat dia banyak nyanyi di show Jalan Jalan Men. Buat cewek cewek yang pasti bakal terpesona setelah melihat aksi kegokilan Jebraw, silahkan follow akun twitternya di @Berjebraw. Buat lo cowok-cowok yang naksir Naya, ini akun twitternya Naya: @NayaAnindita.
Penasaran kan tingkah Jebraw yang pecah banget itu kayak gimana? Atau Naya yang loveable  kayak apa? Berhasilkah dia menemukan dinosaurus atau akan menemukan hal lain? Check these videos out:
Jalan Jalan Men Episode 1-4
*dikutip dari berbagai sumber NB: Berhubung besok Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1433 H, I'd like to say Happy Eid to all moslems all around the world. May Allah shower His blessings and love in this special day. Eid Mubarak :)

July 19, 2012

Waddaddah Kopi Khas Bulukumba

This sun-filled and airy coffee shop sits at a traffic-clogged crossroads. For students, it's a great spot to sit back and enjoy free WiFi. Electrical outlets are easy to find. The owner of Waddaddah offers simple menu such as Bulukumba coffee, rolled bread, and french fries. The price for all menus is IDR 10K but if you come by before 3 pm, the price will be IDR 7K. The Bulukumba coffee is a sublime mix of coffee and condensed milk served with two cookies. It tastes really great. You'll wish it lasted longer. This coffee bar opens at 10 am - 10 pm from Tuesday to Sunday.
Waddaddah will be my next stop after a long tiring college day.
Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir no. 128 Bandung

The Hartwood Gourmet and Grind

Hartwood is a cavernous restaurant in a corner of Jalan Cimanuk Bandung. This dimly lighted place offers sensational food at mid-range prices.You can enjoy western cuisine like steak, sandwiches, and pasta. I tried a plate of chicken cordon bleu and a glass of iced lemon tea. As a desert, I ordered a sliver of a lemon cake. The athmosphere is something worth checking out.

Jalan Cimanuk no. 12 Bandung
Ph. 022-4240655

May 26, 2012

Que Sera Sera - Whatever Will Be, Will Be

In the previous post, I wrote a touching commercial premiered by Ministry of Education Singapore. Now, the post was inspired by another heart touching commercial created by Thai Life Insurance. Watch the video!

"Que sera sera" Lyrics Ads.

When I was just a little girl,
I asked my mother, 'What will I be?
'Will I be pretty?
'Will I be rich?'
Here's what she said to me:

'Que sera, sera,
'Whatever will be, will be;
'The future's not ours to see.
'Que sera, sera,
'What will be, will be.'

When I was just a little boy,
I asked my mother, 'What will I be?
'Will I be handsome?
'Will I be rich?'
Here's what she said to me:

'Que sera, sera,
'Whatever will be, will be;
'The future's not ours to see.
'Que sera, sera,
'What will be, will be.

Someone whose nickname known as amphreded left a comment about the video as follows:

"At first the mothers smile, proudly admiring the children's singing. But as the song goes, they reflect upon current hardships and those to come - one can see worry upon their faces. However, the very lyrics "what will be will be" would consolate them, reaffirming the meaning of life, the strength one must carry towards the unseeable future for the ones we love. The closeup on the pregnant belly establishes a question for us - will this child be happy. One could only hope for the best."

Special credits to jitruksing who uploaded the video.

You Never Forget A Good Teacher

While I was searching Nutrilon Royal Commercials, a featured video on right sidebar attracted me. It called 'a touching commercial that rubs the deepest part of your heart'. I curiously opened it and this what I've got!

Inspirational commercial, isn't it?

FYI, originally it's first launched by MOE (Ministry of Education) Singapore last year. This ad can motivate teachers especially me as a new experienced teacher. The video uploader afrinkhan1980 left a short important note as follows:

"Teachers are role models to their pupils. They influence young minds and inculcate social and moral values through word and deed, within and outside the classroom. They must impart to pupils learning skills, thinking skills and life skills to cope with the future; an attitude of continuous learning and improvement." 

You never forget a good teacher.
TEACH. You'll be amazed at the difference you can make.

Suddenly I thought of my twelfth graders who celebrate their graduation today. Right after this, will I be remembered by them as a good teacher? Did I show that I cared about them? Did I help them in overcoming their problems?

Dr. Johl, a former Vice-Chancellor of Punjab Agricultural University, stated that teaching is not merely a job but an on going process. Like kindling a lamp, a good teacher ignites the minds of his/her students to unveil their hidden talents. He advised, "Give your students love, affection, and feel concerned for your students."

I should keep introspecting myself and my teaching way. Should be more patient facing the 'hard-controlled ones'. Should devote a couple of time to instill more moral values and life values in my students not only the contents. Because the real teaching is teaching with the heart. TEACH with heart!

Hope I can be like Mrs. Chong - a teacher who won't be forgotten forever.

This post is dedicated to my teachers I met and my twelfth grade students who just graduated and will face the real world ahead. :')

Dear hard working students, didn't you have huge dreams? Catch them. :')
*You might be wondering about what ensued at 00:38. The red painting scrawled on the wall "O$P$; has been written by loan sharks and means "Owe money, Pay money". It seemed someone in the family owed loan shark money and was not able to pay back.*

May 18, 2012

Sukses Sama-sama

Hello, netizen :D

Ngga bosen-bosen nih saya ingatkan untuk cepat bergabung besama ORIFLAME di jaringan saya.

Selain dapat keuntungan langsung 23% dari harga katalog dan Welcome Program pada tiga bulan pertama, saya juga akan membantu anda mencapai kesuksesan dan impian anda.

Saya menerapkan sistem 3 kaki jadi bila saya/downline di jaringan saya sudah mendapat 3 kaki maka jika mendapat rekrutan baru akan di spill over (dimuntahkan) di bawahnya. Begitu seterusnya.

Tapi anda harus menjadi consultant aktif ya yaitu dengan order minimal 75 poin. *1 poin = 5500*
Ngga berat kan?

Yuk mari kita sukses bersama-sama! WE CAN DO IT! :D

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