January 21, 2016

My Pregnancy Story: First Trimester

Alhamdulillah diberi kepercayaan oleh Allah dititipi keturunan. Di trimester pertama ini saya sering sekali mengalami mual. Untung saja tidak sampai muntah. Awalnya rasa mual ini datang hanya saat pagi saja. Tapi lama kelamaan saya pusing dan mual setiap mencium bau nasi yang baru matang, bau sop, dan bau bumbu-bumbu dapur yang menyengat lainnya. Berdasarkan sumber yang saya baca, morning sickness atau mual di pagi hari ini disebabkan beberapa hal misalnya meningkatnya hormon progesteron dan estrogen yang dapat membuat indera penciuman lebih tajam sehingga sangat sensitif pada bau. Tapi syukurlah di akhir trimester pertama ini frekuensi mualnya sudah berkurang. Karena sedikit mengkonsumsi makanan, berat badan saya turun. Huhuu.. Awal periksa ke dokter BB saya 54.1 kg (setelah menikah memang naik drastis 8 kg karena bahagia hehehe..). Bulan kedua timbangannya turun 0.2 kg menjadi 53.9 kg dan terakhir kontrol bobot saya turun lagi ke 53.6 kg. Ngga signifikan banget sih sebenernya dan itu wajar terjadi di awal kehamilan.

Sebelum periksa pertengahan Januari kemarin saya sedikit bertanya-tanya dan agak khawatir kenapa perut ini belum membesar di usia kandungan 12 minggu. Kata dokter sih baru akan terihat membesar saat janin memasuki usia 16 minggu. Hehe ngga sabar banget ya perutnya buncit. :D Kemarin saat USG saya dan suami benar-benar takjub melihat bayi di perut saya bergerak dengan aktifnya. Tangan dan kakinya sudah lengkap dan si kecil terus memainkannya. Kaya lagi main drum. :D Alhamdulillah, bayinya sehat dan bener-bener masih ngga percaya kami akan menjadi orang tua.

Mohon doanya pembaca agar anak kami tumbuh sehat serta sempurna lahir dan batinnya. Aamiin.

Sampai bertemu di USG berikutnya, nak! Mama and Papa love you! :*

January 15, 2016

Jalan jalan ke selatan Malang, Pulau Sempu dan Pantai Balekambang.

Halo khalayak ramai,

Jalan jalan ke selatan malang, Selain Pulau Sempu, Malang Selatan memiliki banyak pantai yang berpasir putih. Yang paling populer adalah Pantai Balekambang, namun masih ada Pantai Ngliyep, Pantai Kondang Merak, Pantai Goa China, dan masih banyak lagi. Nah, kali ini saya dan pasangan bermotor ria menuju Pantai Balekambang. Wah jaraknya cukup jauh dari pusat kota Malang. Perjalanan kami tempuh sekitar tiga jam dan banyak bertanya karena papan petunjuknya terbatas
Selain Pulau Sempu, Malang Selatan memiliki banyak pantai yang berpasir putih. Yang paling populer adalah Pantai Balekambang, namun masih ada Pantai Ngliyep, Pantai Kondang Merak, Pantai Goa China, dan masih banyak lagi. Nah, kali ini saya dan pasangan bermotor ria menuju Pantai Balekambang. Wah jaraknya cukup jauh dari pusat kota Malang. Perjalanan kami tempuh sekitar tiga jam dan banyak bertanya karena papan petunjuknya terbatas

Selengkapnya : http://www.kompasiana.com/opi_nov/menuju-pantai-balekambang-primadona-malang-selatan_54f7342fa3331135728b4757
Selain Pulau Sempu, Malang Selatan memiliki banyak pantai yang berpasir putih. Yang paling populer adalah Pantai Balekambang, namun masih ada Pantai Ngliyep, Pantai Kondang Merak, Pantai Goa China, dan masih banyak lagi. Nah, kali ini saya dan pasangan bermotor ria menuju Pantai Balekambang. Wah jaraknya cukup jauh dari pusat kota Malang. Perjalanan kami tempuh sekitar tiga jam dan banyak bertanya karena papan petunjuknya terbatas

Selengkapnya : http://www.kompasiana.com/opi_nov/menuju-pantai-balekambang-primadona-malang-selatan_54f7342fa3331135728b4757
Selain Pulau Sempu, Malang Selatan memiliki banyak pantai yang berpasir putih. Yang paling populer adalah Pantai Balekambang, namun masih ada Pantai Ngliyep, Pantai Kondang Merak, Pantai Goa China, dan masih banyak lagi. Nah, kali ini saya dan pasangan bermotor ria menuju Pantai Balekambang. Wah jaraknya cukup jauh dari pusat kota Malang. Perjalanan kami tempuh sekitar tiga jam dan banyak bertanya karena papan petunjuknya terbatas

Selengkapnya : http://www.kompasiana.com/opi_nov/menuju-pantai-balekambang-primadona-malang-selatan_54f7342fa3331135728b4757

Oia, kalo kalian mau jalan kesana mampir juga baso duro didepan pom bensin di kepanjen. tapi inget track jalannya lewat kepanjen ya. bukan lewat bulu lawang. Kalo kalian bingung jalannya, bisa dibantu waze or google maps. Baso Duro rekomended baso di daerah sekitar kepanjeng dan malang. saya juga bisa ngerasain baso itu karena suami saya sudah 5 tahun tinggal di malang.

Arah jalan menuju pantai juga seru, kl pas musim panas kalian bisa lihat pohon-pohon kering sepanjang perjalanan. foto perjalanan dan foto narsis kami dibawah ini.:D

Ayo kunjungi malang, ayo jalan ke selatan Malang, Pulau Sempu dan Pantai Balekambang. Jangan lupa mampir ngerasain baso duro kepanjen, dijamin bikin ketagihan.

Karena kami ga sempat foto baso duro karena sudah kelaparan, kami ambil foto bakso duro dari internet ya.

Sumber Foto diatas : Keluargabiru.com

Sumber Foto diatas : Malang Merdeka.com

Dan dibawah ini foto hasil jepretan kami, lumayan buat dokumentasi perjalanan dan inspirasi nulis blog ini.


And this is the best shoot from my Husband!
Content and Photo by My husband.

Throwback: 2nd Prewedding Photoshoot in Bandung

Yes, this was our second prewedding photoshoot! :D
Why did we have the second? Because it was included in the all-in package of the wedding photography. It was taken around February last year at Little Wings Cafe in Bandung.

I will tell you more about it later. Just enjoy our prewedding photos in the following. :D

January 06, 2016

Throwback: Prewedding Photoshoot at Bromo

Happy New Year!
So sorry for the extended hiatus (over and over again) and I owe so many stories to write on this blog. Allow me to share my first post with you in the beginning of 2016. Enjoy, readers!

Exactly a year ago I and my husband had a prewedding photoshoot at Bromo. The idea just sparked off when we were talking about what kind of photoshoot we have dreamt of before. I was very excited since I haven't gone to Bromo which is one of the most famous scenic attraction in East Java. I thought, it would be such an amazing place to document it. So next, we decided to look for concept, photographer, makeup artist, and outfit. Yes, planning a photoshoot can be quite mind-boggling, because there seems to be so many things to think about.

The photographers were my husband's friends, Mas Imron and Mas Fauzi who are experienced for years in photography. Mba Rina, Mas Imron's wife, also took a part as a choreographer! :D For make-up, we entrusted Mba Mitha (instagram.com/mitha.matoz) who is a well-known Make-up Artist in Malang.

We started our day at about 5 a.m. to do a basic make up at Helios Hotel Malang where I stayed. We left the hotel at about 6 a.m. and went to Bromo by a Range Rover. It took an hour to get to Bromo Mountain. The weather was a bit cloudy.

The first theme of photoshoot was formal. I wore a simple white gown with the lace part on top and my husband wore a long-sleeve white shirt plus cream trousers. While the second one was casual where we both wore blue jeans shirt and boots.

Behind the scene :D
Feels like models :D

Thank you for your support guys!

Among the embarassing and pointless photos, we chose only three best photos that would be printed and shown to people. The reasons why we picked these photos because we love how we looked at each other naturally. It contains emotion and love.. Hehe..

During the entire process of photo taking, we heard instructions such as "eyes to eyes", "hands on the waist", "hands inside your pocket", "hold hands", "look down at your shoulder", "look far", "smile", show your teeth"... and the list continues. :D

Posing for such photos is really not something that we are used to. It feels odd, really not our style.
All in all, it's a great experience together with my husband and the supporting friends. It is super tiring. HOWEVER, we enjoyed the process altogether.

August 13, 2015

Lapindo Mudflow

The Lapindo mudflow is located in Porong, Sidoarjo, East Java, around 25 KM of south Surabaya city center. It takes 30-40 minutes to get there. The name of the mudflow is derived from PT Lapindo Brantas, an oil and gas exploration company operating in Porong and owned by the politically wired Bakrie family.

We had to pay IDR 10K/person as a fee to enter this site. The first thing we saw was a high and large retention wall built to contain the mudflow. After entering the dam, we were greeted by several motorcycle taxi drivers offering their services to go around the mudflow scene.

At a glance, this area looks like a vast plain of mudflow, but then we realized that the mudflow has submerged multiple villages in the Porong area. Really this is a terrible environmental catastrophe! Our sincere sympathy goes out to all those who have suffered great loss from this natural disaster.

Because the weather was so hot, we only had a very short visit here and took some pictures. Our curiosity of this place has finally been satisfied.

The name of the mudflow is derived from PT Lapindo Brantas, an oil and gas exploration company operating in Porong and owned by the politically wired Bakrie family. - See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2013/03/05/porong-disaster-site-becomes-tourist-spot.html#sthash.i7uZ1sEe.dpuf
The name of the mudflow is derived from PT Lapindo Brantas, an oil and gas exploration company operating in Porong and owned by the politically wired Bakrie family. - See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2013/03/05/porong-disaster-site-becomes-tourist-spot.html#sthash.i7uZ1sEe.dpuf
The name of the mudflow is derived from PT Lapindo Brantas, an oil and gas exploration company operating in Porong and owned by the politically wired Bakrie family. - See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2013/03/05/porong-disaster-site-becomes-tourist-spot.html#sthash.i7uZ1sEe.dpuf
The name of the mudflow is derived from PT Lapindo Brantas, an oil and gas exploration company operating in Porong and owned by the politically wired Bakrie family. - See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2013/03/05/porong-disaster-site-becomes-tourist-spot.html#sthash.i7uZ1sEe.dpuf

August 06, 2015

Vacation Flashback: The Honeymoon!

Now, it's time to revert to our honeymoon. On April 15th, 2015, Mr. and Mrs. Fahrur Rohman stole away from the madness of the world to take time out in a restful and romantic place: Jogjakarta.  

The lovebirds were searching for a hotel which served unique experience full of Indonesian culture, wealth and heritage yet budget friendly. Then we looked no further! All we could wish for, and more besides, was found at the exotically charming Adya Nalendra Boutique Hotel. Situated on the city center of Jogja, Adya Nalendra is the perfect choice for budget travelers who are into Javanese culture. Filled with artifacts and antiques from Javanese culture, Adya Nalendra has become a home for the discerning traveler who loves something unique and ethnic.

image taken from Agoda

Image taken from Agoda
Image taken from Agoda
We booked a Superior Room via Agoda, but once we arrived the staffs told us that the room would be maintained. And guess what? We were moved to the Executive Room! Hooray for that! :D Spending the night in the gorgeous Executive Room that treats guests to plenty of extra space and offers all the features of the Superior Room brought more comfortable feeling. A friendly staff, fabulously cultural rooms, and a good central location to pretty much everything makes the hotel a great value to consider for your honeymoon.

Several travel destinations had been listed to visit within a day. 

#1 Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII)

I always desire to trace back where my husband spent his college years. A long lost temple, believed to be part of a 9th and 10th century temple during the rule of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom, was accidentally discovered in this campus. The ancient temple which is located in the library building was unearthed in 2009, the news revealed.    

Location: Jl. Kaliurang KM. 14,5 Sleman

#2 Museum Ullen Sentalu

The Ullen Sentalu museum is a Javanese culture and art museum which was established in 1994. Relics and artifact from royal houses and kraton of Java, such as Yogyakarta, Pakualam, Surakarta, and Mangkunegaran are displayed here. The entry ticket is only IDR 30K for domestic tourists and IDR 50K for foreign tourists. It took about an hour to discover the museum's collection which was guided by a knowledgeable and helpful guide. For art enthusiasts and novices alike, this rarely-visited museum in Kaliurang highland will make you awestruck by the artworks and the museum building itself which is designed like a maze to connect one room to another. Surely, this museum is well worth an hour or two.

Address: Jl. Boyong KM. 25, Kaliurang Barat, Sleman.

#3 Kalimilk

Kalimilk serves freshly flavored milk and snacks. In addition to the beverages, one of the main draws of this cafe is the amusing tagline on the wall called Neneners. :D Neneners is a term referring to avid milk drinkers. The price ranges from IDR 10K to 50K.

Address: Jl. Kaliurang KM. 4,9 Sleman

#4 Rumah Paris

From Kaliurang, we drove away to the recently popular Rumah Paris Bed and Breakfast. It is an unusual home stay in Jogja with a Victorian classic style home and decor. Guests can recapture a bit of the past with vintage style pieces in every corner of this fun, cool and unique two-storey lodge. There are three different thematic rooms to lie down:  Shabbylicious Chic Room, World Traveler Room, and Beach Cottage Room. This place can also be reserved for some particular events such as photoshoot, eating out, and garden party. If you want to take pictures inside the house, reservation is required and it will be charged IDR 200K. But don't worry guys, you can still take pictures outside the house.

Address: Jl. Parangtritis KM. 8,5 Tembi

After traveling to those destinations, it wouldn't be complete if you did not eat Gudeg in lesehan (or street). My husband got a recommended gudeg seller since he was in college years named Nasi Gudeg Cukupan Batas Kota. There's something uniquely distinct about street food that is hard to replicate in an indoor kitchen. You should experience this one that other cities don't have.

Conclusively, for those of you on the hunt for lofty cultural and artistic values, definitely visit Yogyakarta and don't forget your camera.

August 05, 2015

The Mind-Boggling Museum Angkut

After an absence of several months, here I come with many traveling stories with husband. Our traveling tales will go back and forth. This quest to Museum Angkut, Batu - Malang was undergone a month after we were pronounced as husband and wife which was around May.
The newlyweds set off the journey at noon. It took an hour to the museum from the downtown of Malang. The ticket price was only IDR 80K for entering the museum and Movie Star Studio which is located nearby.

Mostly, this museum of transportation is indoor so every visitor can enjoy the attraction without getting wet when the rain falls down. There are several zones in the museum you can explore such as the Main Hall and Education Zone, the Sunda Kelapa and Batavia Zone, the Germany Zone, the France Zone, the England Zone, the Hollywood Zone, and many more.

#1 Main Hall and Education Zone

We start our walk to the sprawling old-fashioned cars and motorcycles. A car that attracted our attention was the First Indonesian President's car, Chrysler Windsor Deluxe.

#2 Sunda Kelapa Zone

In this part of the museum, tourists can see the old port of Jakarta with pinisi lining up as the background. At the side of the street, antique, vintage, and classic cars are parked.

# 3 US Zone

In love with everything vintage here - the bike, the radio, the wardrobe and even the portrait of people from the 18th century. It's like I'm traveling backwards in time.

# 4 New York's Gangster, France, Rome, Berlin, London


Each city theme serves the replica of the most recognizable landmark they have: France with the graceful Eiffel Tower, Rome with the unique Leaning Tower of Pisa, Berlin with the amazing Berlin Wall, and London with the stunning Buckingham Palace. The most favorite place of mine was the Gangster Town in New York and the Buckingham Palace in London. When we wander to the street of old New York, the pulse of dark yet gleaming town can be felt. The pub, cinema, prison, cafe in the 1930s of New York are worth visiting. Meanwhile, the garden and the structure of Buckingham Palace look seamless just like the original one in England. All of the attractions offer a pleasant spot to take pictures. Museum Angkut offers an extraordinary experience that gives a unique insight into the transportation's history around the world. So, if you have a chance to visit Malang, don't miss this place.