October 13, 2010


just finished revising my skripsi and trying to post from mobile phone.
let's see whether it works or not.
count down begins..
see u soon,lovelies!

October 06, 2010


Here are some quotes from movies. I found them a couple of hours ago when googling. Check these out.

“I can live without you. The thought of leaving you kills me.” – The Reader (2008)
“This is a simple story…but not an easy one to tell.” – Life Is Beautiful (1997)

“They say nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style.” – Sex and the City (2008)

“Relationship aren’t just about being happy.” – Sex and the City (2008)

“If you don’t want to tell me everything, that’s fine. Just don’t lie to me.” – Jumper (2008)

“Life is full of interruptions and complications.” – Love Actually (2003)

“True love lasts a lifetime.” – Love Actually (2003)

“Doing nothing has consequences too.” – Never Back Down (2008)

“Hear this now: I will always come for you.” – The Princess Bride (1987)


Hi, Beatlesmania!
I’d like to share some facts and trivia about the Beatles – a legendary band that’s most commercially successful of all time.

  • The Beatles was formed in the late 1950s and disbanded in 1970. 
  • They got their name from a line in the movie ‘The Wild Ones’. Lee Marvin’s character said the motorcycle gang wanted Marlon Brando’s character back, even the beetles (he was referring to the women in the gang). They changed the ‘ee’ to ‘ea’ so it was like the musical term ‘beat’. 
  • The members were John Lennon (guitar and harmonica), Paul McCartney (guitar and piano), George Harrison (guitar and sitar), Ringo Starr (drums). All were born in Liverpool. 
  • The lyrics and music for most of their songs were written by Lennon and McCartney. 
  • From 1963 to 1970 the group released 18 record albums. 
  • The early recordings, such as Meet The Beatles (1964), are remarkable for their solid rhythms and excitingly rich, tight harmony. 
  • Paul McCartney’s song ‘Yesterday’ had music written before the lyrics. Paul used the working words ‘scrambled eggs’ before coming up with ‘yesterday’ while composing this song. 
  • McCartney wrote the song Lovely Rita, Meter Maid for the album Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band after getting a parking ticket from a female warden in Abbey road. 
  • 'Hey Jude’ was written by Paul in his car. Paul was on his way to visit Julian, John Lennon’s son, who was disturbed by his parents’ divorce. Paul wrote this song to cheer him up. 
  • The group acted and sang in four films: A Hard Day’s Night (1964), Help! (1965), Magical Mystery Tour (1968), and Let It Be (1970). 
  • In 1980, Lennon was shot to death by a fan, Mark Chapman. 
  • McCartney was knighted in 1997.
*adapted from encyclopedia.com*


It was 7 o'clock at night. I was standing on a renowned street corner in Jogjakarta and trying to believe my eyes. Yeah i was on Malioboro. Been a couple year I didn't retrace my footsteps here.

It was as I've expected. The traffic was heavy. Many traditional sellers burst on the street. I almost couldn't find the path where I'd walk. But that's the unique and artistic thing u could hunt down in Jogja. I was keen to get in the place.

Batik clothes, pants, antique bracelet and necklace coincide in this never-ever-sleep street. And those things are sold in very cheap price. Besides, many art galleries and painting shops abound in here.

Before I went shopping w/ my sister and brother, I dined in lesehan - a restaurant aside the street- where you sit on the floor while you eat. Oh, this is why I love this exotic city totally much.

Then I wandered up to the seller who bought some beautiful accessories. A necklace drew my attention, and I decided to buy one. Meanwhile, my sister and brother bought so many pieces of bags, clothes and pants. Ok, I ran out of money. And yet energy. For we spent our half night to go shopping.

Finally, I stopped our hunting. To wind down after a long tiring shopping, I reclined on a bench under the shade of banyan tree and a dim light.

I caught the night air of Jogja, enjoyed the cold breeze seeping on my face, and likewise spilled my eyes over every single thing around me that is thoughtfully placed. The street lofty lamp, the bench, the big old tree, the shops, the hotels. That's a perfect blend of tradition and modernity. Very exquisite.

This great ambiance lulled me. I thought it was time to head off to my two star hotel and get some sleep.

What a fascinating journey.

Oh, I've made a pencilled-in appointment to return someday. Farewell, Malioboro! Astalavista!

October 04, 2010


Hello, lovelies !

Are you feeling depressed, gloomy or something like that right now? Or have you been living low – joyless, empty and even harassed? Cause when you feel so, you all should read a note that I’d love to share in this post. I’m utterly sure it could make your horrible feeling fade away and your shattered soul rebuilt up in a jiffy.

The note is written by Habib Abu Bakar Alhabsy entitled “Embun Hati” – “The Dew of The Heart”. Here we go the note.

Tidakkah mereka mengetahui bahwa Allah mengetahui segala yang mereka sembunyikan dan segala yang mereka nyatakan? (QS. Al Baqarah : 77)

Jika kau merasa lelah dan tak berdaya dari usaha yang sepertinya sia-sia……
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala tahu betapa keras engkau sudah berusaha.

Ketika kau sudah menangis sekian lama dan hatimu masih terasa pedih…..
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala sudah menghitung air matamu.

Ketika kau pikir bahwa hidupmu sedang menunggu sesuatu dan waktu serasa berjalan begitu saja….
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala sedang menunggu bersamamu.

Ketika kau berfikir bahwa kau sudah mencoba segalanya dan tidak tahu hendak berbuat apa lagi…..
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala sudah punya jawabannya.

Ketika segala sesuatu menjadi tidak masuk akal dan kau merasa tertekan.
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala dapat menenangkanmu.

Ketika kau merasa sendirian dan teman-temanmu terlalu sibuk untuk menelpon.
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala selalu berada disampingmu.

Ketika kau mendambakan sebuah cinta sejati yang tak kunjung datang……...
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala mempunyai Cinta dan Kasih yang lebih besar dari segalanya dan Dia telah menciptakan seseorang yang akan menjadi pasangan hidupmu kelak.

Ketika kau merasa bahwa kau mencintai seseorang, namun kau tahu cintamu tak terbalas.
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala tahu apa yang ada di depanmu dan Dia sedang mempersiapkan segala yang terbaik untukmu.

Ketika kau merasa telah dikhianati dan dikecewakan.
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala dapat menyembuhkan lukamu dan membuatmu tersenyum.

Jika tiba-tiba kau dapat melihat jejak-jejak harapan……
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala sedang berbisik kepadamu.

Ketika segala sesuatu berjalan lancar dan kau merasa ingin mengucap syukur……..
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala telah memberkahimu.

Ketika sesuatu yang indah terjadi dan kau dipenuhi ketakjuban.
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala telah tersenyum padamu.

Ketika kau memiliki tujuan untuk dipenuhi dan mimpi untuk digenapi.
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala sudah membuka matamu dan memanggilmu dengan namamu.

Kapanpun, dimanapun kau hadapkan wajahmu Dia selalu memberi dan merawatmu tanpa pernah kita dapat membalas
Dan kepunyaan Allah-lah timur dan barat, maka kemanapun kamu menghadap di situlah wajah Allah . Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Luas lagi Maha Mengetahui. (QS. Al baqarah : 155)

October 03, 2010


Life happened because I turned the pages. | Alberto Manguel - October 24

Busy men are lot SEXIER than those who are 'busy' to attract girls. - October 20
Jangan menjelekkan orang yang baik dan jangan membaikkan orang yang jahat. | Diponegoro, 1827 - October 18

You don't get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies. [The Social Network] - October 16

Everything in the past, done and gone. The future, uncertain. All we have is NOW. - October 14

NEVER let supervisor's criticism ruin your mood in tidying up the skripsweet . - October 11

Wake up everyone. How can you sleep at a time like this. Unless the dreamer is the real you. [Jason Mraz] - October 9

Irresistible temptation. Sweet as you are. - October 7
Be both a book smart and a street smart. Be both a thinker and a doer. Live inside and outside your mind. Enjoy both world ! [Anon] - October 5

"A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water. [Eleanor Roosevelt]" - October 4 

“Kilo Alpha Mike Papa Romeo Echo Tango.” – October 3

• “As an APPLE lover, I bought my son an iPod, my daughter an iPhone, and myself an iPad. Felt sorry for the wife, I bought her an iRon. [Tiffany William]” – September 30

• “Enjoy the wonderful traffic jam and the fresh pollution ! Have a nice Monday, people !” – September 27

• “Go (down), Man. City ! I love (to hate) you, Chelsea !!!” – September 25

• “Oh my, how time flees so fast. Yesterday, I was still a freshman student.” – September 22

• “Waktu berjalan satu arah saja. Tapi ia bukan garis lurus. Ia penuh kelokan yg mengejutkan. [Rendra]” – September 20

• “Wish I were on a bleacher at Old Traford tonight and said ‘YOU’LL NEVER WALK ALONE’ out loud.” – September 19

• “HOLY CRAP ! why can’t my BRAIN work like INTEL CORE 2 DUO and WIKIPEDIA ?” – September 18

• “REJUVENATING MYSELF.” – September 17

• “MALIOBORO, I love this place so much !!!” – September 14

• “Having dinner @ Prince Joyokusumo’s House, Yogyakarta.” – September 13

• “Off to salatiga and yogyakarta. See u later, bandung !” – September 11

• “Happy Ied, facebookers ! Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.” – September 9

• “DROWNING IN REVERIE.” – September 8

• “Seorang terpelajar harus juga berlaku adil sudah sejak dlm pikiran apalagi dlm perbuatan. [Pramoedya Ananta Toer - Bumi Manusia]” – September 7

• “Walopun mulutmu kayak comberan, tapi hatimu g kayak setan. I love you full, my dearest best friends !” – September 4

• “Thanks for your blessing and love, god. Thanks, I’m 22.” – August 26


#1.       Who's the smartest person you know?
my FATHER. precisely!
#2.       Who's the most overrated athlete?
STEVEN GERRARD. He's ahhhsum!
#3.       What's your biggest phobia?
The goddamn CATERPILLARS !

#4.       Would you rather swim in a pool or the ocean?

I'd rather swim in a pool, coz i'm not a good swimmer and too afraid to drown in the ocean.

#5.       If you could attend any concert, what would it be?

James Blunt concert. I desire for it for long long time ago.

#6.       If you could rid the world of one thing, what would it be?

it'd be POVERTY.

#7.       What do you think is your most attractive feature?

my words.

#8.       What's your favorite type of flower?

white rose. or red tulip? hard to decide.

#.9       What was your favorite movie as a child?


#10.    If you were given a brand new yacht, what would you name it?

tantri gitu loh. no regrets.

#11.    What's the best place near you to get a drink?

navy blue fridge in my kitchen.

#12.    What was the weirdest gift you ever received?

all gifts i received were always nice.
#13.    If you could go on vacation for the next month with an unlimited budget, where would you go?
i would travel to wherever the wind blows me and wherever my mood takes me.

#14.    What website do you spend the most time on?

facebook of course

#15.    If you could ask Barack Obama one question what would it be?

what's your favourite quote, sir?

#16.    If you could wake up as anyone tomorrow, who would it be?

a fly on his wall. LMAO!

#17.    What was your favorite book as a child?

3 little pigs.

#18.    Have you ever been fired? If so, why?

fortunately, i havent.

#19.    If you could change one thing that happened last year what would it be?


#20.    If you were offered the job of U.S. president would you take the job?

yup, and i would mess up the US in 10 minutes or less.

#21.    What would your perfect day look like?

Being online whole day and no one disturbs.

#22.    Do you believe in fate?

yes yes yes.

#23.    What do you think is the best way to defeat terrorism?

telling the terrorist out there that we are one, we live on the same planet, we breathe the same air. why can't you all live in peace together? we supposed to eradicate hunger and corruption. what a blabbing!

#24.    If you were stranded on a desert island, which one person would you bring with you?

i'd take my prince charming. If he doesn't mind. ROTFL!!

#25.    If you could ask God one question what would it be?

who is my lifemate,lord?