July 26, 2011

Commencement Party @ Bali Seafood

Flashback lagi nih, peeps! :D
Now, let's rewind to my commencement party in last April. I just miss that moment, the time when I left my college and friends.
Saat para Senat memasuki Gedung Gymnasium. Saya duduk baris ke-6 (atau 7 ya?) dari depan, No. Urut 62, dgn Yudisium 3,51. :D. This photo was taken by dad.
Dua hari setelah acara wisuda, saya dan keluarga dinner di Bali Seafood Jalan Wastukencana No. 55-57 Bandung. Menu yang tersedia tentu hidangan laut mulai dari kepiting hingga ikan hiu. Soal rasa, coba sendiri deh pasti ketagihan. Tapi karena ini masakan Bali jadi bumbu-bumbunya agak pedas. Jangan lupa kalau mampir ke sini persiapkan kocek yang agak lumayan. :D

Mom, dad, Saka, Tia, Granny
Thank you for the dinner you two! :*

Friendsix @ Nanny's Pavillon

Entry kali ini cuma ingin sekedar flashback. Sekitar bulan Mei lalu, Friendsix had a meet-up at Nanny's Pavillon. Sebelumnya agak bingung menentukan pilihan antara Nanny's Pavillon Library yang terletak di Jalan Setiabudhi atau Nanny's Pavillon Garden yg terletak di Jalan Riau. Akhirnya kami pilih saja yang di Riau.
Menurut saya sih sebenernya temanya kurang kerasa, mungkin karena tempat makannya outdoor jadi disebut tema garden. Anyways, kami sangat menikmati sajian yang sudah dipesan.
Seingat saya waktu itu kami pesan Nanny's Cocktail Blueberry, Blueberry Cheese Roll Pan Cake, Spageti, dan ummm lupa! Pokoknya ada juga Pan Cake yang dilumuri saus strawberry, coklat dan tentunya es krim.

Icih, Boyu, Bung Es, Uwi, Nda
The Pancake is oh-so-yum!

Wajah-wajah sumringah sehabis makan :D
Oh iya, harga makanan dan minumannya berkisar antara IDR 10.000 - 30.000. Nanny's Pavillon ini buka setiap hari dari pukul 10.00-22.00. Segera datang ke sini deh, ngga bakal nyesel. Fully Recommended! :)

Fast Track:
Garden: Jln. R. E. Martadinata (Jln. Riau) No. 112 Tel. 022 91752373
Library: Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 55

July 25, 2011

Day Off

Enaknya jadi guru honorer yg cuma ngajar di satu sekolah itu ya punya day off. Orang lain sibuk kerja senin sampai sabtu, saya masih bisa jalan-jalan menikmati hidup. Hihi. Indahnya dunia.
Redscale-mode. Heading to BEC.
A bee on the dashboard. Waiting in the parking lot of Husein Sastranegara International Airport.
Waiting the stoplight to turn green @ Hasan Sadikin Crossroad.

July 24, 2011

Picture Stories

My student ID in School of Post-graduate Study of UPI. The study will start on September the first. Wish me luck! :D
Polaroid-style. Taken by Vignette Camera.
Random-style. In a parking lot of PT. Dirgantara Indonesia.
 Fish-eye mode. From inside car after rain.
 Piles of shopping bag. Taken in the afternoon after shopping to Pasar Baru! *not important :P*


I declare that I am officially an android geek now. I’m gio-er by the way. :D
This smartphone-from-google is so damn cool! Here are some gorgeous apps that android users should have:
Camera app:
1. Camera360
2. FxCamera
3. Retro Camera
4. Vignette Demo
1. Ninjump
2. Angry Birds
3. Raging Thunder
Other apps:
1. TubeMate - youtube downloader
2. Anvanced Task Killer
3. Move2SD
All the apps above can be downloaded free on android market.


Hello readers, been months - almost a year- I didn’t write any entries. You know, I was busy like hell: finishing my undergraduate study – graduated – working (finally!)
I’ve been a bachelor of English education since 3 months ago. On April 20, 2011, the convocation was held. Wow, that would be an unforgettable moment and a momentous event ever.
With mom. It was taken before the convocation.

 With dad. After the convocation party over. Standing in front of Faculty of Language and Arts Education.
With friends. From left to right: Boyu, Bung Es, Icih, Nda, me, Sinta. Thank you gals for coming :)

And as time goes by, I’ve been working as an English teacher at Yudha Utama Vocational High School. I'll tell bout that later on.
Well, I'll keep updating my blog from now.

October 21, 2010


It’s 3 in the afternoon, I’m revising my skripsweet behind the wooden desk. It should be my time to take a nap, anyway. Hhhmm, forget about that.
You know, this activity makes my head and my back get so stiff. Afterwards, my brain starts to blow very soon I guess. Even worse, this is so soul-consuming.
And before I get a total brain malfunction I suppose to escape to my blog to get some new fresh air and to cool down my brain.
By the way, laziness always haunts me when I intended to tidy up my final project: the holy skripsweet. Eyes got harder to open, mind didn’t want to cooperate, hands are getting weak. Oh c’mon, SLOTH (re: the god of laziness), depart from me please! Let me be in serenity with my skripsweet! I tempted to graduate as soon as possible from college.
And one more thing: Hey you, INSPIRATION, SPIRIT, DESIRE, occupy me when I need you most.
A’rite, I think I should get back to revise my skripsweet. See you later.