August 17, 2011

Best Friend's Graduation

Heylo heyday!
At last, three of my friends in Friendsix: Nda, Uwi, and Boyu had a graduation day on Monday August 15, 2011. So, the only friend remained in UPI is Bung Es (Keep up your spirit bung! :D). I should have taught in 3 different classes that day, but I left them. I did it all for you gals :D
Okay, let the pictures tell cause pictures can say what the words can't.
with bung es in front of Al-Furqon Mosque waiting for the late one: Icih!
flowers for Dik C mate
Me, Icih, Nda, Bung Es (Left to Right). Taken in the middle of the crowd by Nda's daddy.
Met Boyu at English Department. Poorly minus Uwi.
One of the campus spots which suddenly turned to a market every graduation day. You can find many things here in cheap price.
Actually, that was a plain graduation day ever. Just met two friends instead of 9 classmates we should've seen! And the worst was I couldn't find Uwi. Uwi left the campus before I arrived. So sad :'(

Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Part 2: Done!

Happy 66th Independence Day, my country Indonesia! :D
Anyways, finally I watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II. Yeaaay!

I watched with daddy while mom and sister watched Kungfu Panda. The movie is totally awesome and phenomenal. Must see once again in 3D!
Here is the synopsis:
Image's from Google

Director: David Yates
Stars: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2, is the final adventure in the Harry Potter film series. Harry, Ron, and Hermione search for Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes in their effort to destroy the Dark Lord. In the epic finale, the battle between the good and evil forces of the wizarding world escalates into an all-out war. The stakes have never been higher and no one is safe. But it is Harry Potter who may be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice as he draws closer to the climactic showdown with Lord Voldemort. It all ends here.
Source: ,

Fast Track:
Bandung Trade Center (BTC) XXI
Lt. P2/3, Jl. Dr. Djundjunan (Pasteur) No. 143-149
Phone (022) 612 6521

Ticket Price:
Saturday/Sunday/Holiday: IDR 20,000
Monday-Friday: IDR 15,000

August 14, 2011

A Target to Gain Body Weight

Hello, blog-walkers..
If most girls want to lose their weight, I've been trying hard to gain weight. Eating noodles in the middle of the night, munching crackers every day, over eating more than 3 times in a day..but that didn't work for me. I gave up, maybe I am written to be a skinny people. But I think I am just too skinny, I wanna have an ideal weight - 55 kilograms - Mine is 10 kilograms less than that, while my height is 165. Could you imagine me? Well, too skinny right?

And this time, I decide to drink high protein milk. Yes, Appeton Weight Gain. Interested in the ads' tagline: Untuk bikin badanmu isi..isi..dan berisi, I think I should try one.

This is a milk formula manufactured for skinny people. It contains all the essential amino acids required to gain weight. I prefer to choose the chocolate flavor. When I took the first glass, the taste is a bit salty. Yaiks! But I have to drink it. Perhaps it's caused by the amino acids.

Let's take a look at the ingredients. It contains skimmed milk, milk proteins, vegetable oils, sugar, chocolate flavor (vanilla flavor is available), fibre, vanilla flavor, minerals, vitamins and soya lecithin.

According to the information attached on the cap, recommended consumption is 3 times a day, 1-2 hours after meal. The process to gain weight by drinking this milk is 2-3 months. So, let's see 2 or 3 months later, will I look more fat than today?

Product Info:
Appeton Weight Gain 450 g = IDR 170,300
Appeton Weight Gain 700 g = IDR 240,000
Appeton Weight Gain 900 g = IDR 370,000

August 02, 2011

Museum Geologi, Here We Come!

Today, I and best friend of mine had a visit to Geology Museum. Yoo-hoo akhirnya saya menginjakkan kaki juga di tempat ini setelah sekian lama. Terakhir saya berkunjung kemari ketika saya masih duduk di bangku sekolah dasar. Been so looong!
Untuk melihat-lihat koleksi di museum ini, saya tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang sepeser pun! Cukup dengan mengisi buku tamu dan saya bebas berkeliling. Bahkan parkir pun free of charge :D

with Tyrannosaurus Rex Osborn
Eka with fosil kerbau pra sejarah
Evolusi Manusia Purba
Pithecantropus Erectus

Okay people, last words: better to visit this place instead of hanging out at a mall! :D

Fast Track:
Jalan Diponegoro No. 57 Bandung 40122

July 31, 2011


Tadi siang sehabis dari BEC, saya menyempatkan untuk mampir ke TOSERDA - TOko SERba laDa di Jalan Pajajaran Bandung. Udah lama banget pengen ke sini tp baru kali ini kesampean.

Kalau kalian lewat jalan Pajajaran, jangan lupa mampir ke TOSERDA ya. Toko ini menjual berbagai cemilan pedas, seperti keripik singkong, basreng, makaroni and so on. Harganya antara IDR 5.000 - 10.000. Ada juga abon cabe, nah ini dia abon cabe yang saya cari-cari akhirnya ketemu di sini :D. Abon cabe ini tersedia dalam berbagai varian: original, kentang ebi, ikan teri, ikan asin peda, dan bawang. Harga original IDR 30.000, sedangkan yg lain harganya IDR 35.000.

Ngeborong :))

Makaroni dan Basreng

Abon Cabe Ninoy: Kentang Ebi
Fast Track:
Jalan Pajajaran No. 4 Bandung
HP. 0818636161
Twitter: @TOSERDA

Current Life @ SMK Yudha Utama

Hey there!
Alhamdulillah, besok sudah mulai memasuki bulan Ramadhan. Please forgive all my mistakes and have a first blessed fasting! :D
Anyways..I'd like to share a bit about current life at my work: Yudha Utama Vocational High School. Here it goes.

Jumat kemarin, saat saya sedang mengajar di kelas, tiba-tiba seorang anak perempuan berbadan gemuk memasuki ruangan. Umur anak itu kira-kira 13 tahun, dia duduk di bangku SMP kelas 1. Dara, sebut saja begitu. Dia memang sedang menjadi Trending Topic di sekolah kami karena kelakuannya yang agak 'aneh'.

Dia selalu menyapa dengan 'Salam Sunda..!' dan saya juga murid-murid saya harus mengikuti gayanya. A'rite saya jadi tampak bodoh dihadapan mereka. Haha. Yaah tak apalah asal anak SMP tadi tidak membuat keonaran.

Karena kedatangan Dara, praktis kegiatan belajar mengajar terganggu karena dia mengambil alih perhatian murid-murid dengan kata-katanya yang sungguh menggundang tawa. Kasihan juga sebenarnya melihat kelakuan 'aneh' Dara. Apa kelakuannya disebabkan karena tekanan psikis? Well, I dont have any idea. Cuma bisa berharap agar dia tidak sering-sering menghantui sekolah kami dan tentunya semoga dia cepat sembuh. God bless you dear :)

Nah, foto-foto berikut tidak ada hubungannya dengan cerita di atas :p

Me and My beloved 3 TM 1 Students :)
Kadang tulisan anak kelas 3 SMK pun sulit dibaca. Butuh keahlian khusus lho buat baca tulisan mereka. -_-"
Ngakak to the max liat sampul bocah SMK kayak gini. *ngakak*

July 26, 2011

Commencement Party @ Bali Seafood

Flashback lagi nih, peeps! :D
Now, let's rewind to my commencement party in last April. I just miss that moment, the time when I left my college and friends.
Saat para Senat memasuki Gedung Gymnasium. Saya duduk baris ke-6 (atau 7 ya?) dari depan, No. Urut 62, dgn Yudisium 3,51. :D. This photo was taken by dad.
Dua hari setelah acara wisuda, saya dan keluarga dinner di Bali Seafood Jalan Wastukencana No. 55-57 Bandung. Menu yang tersedia tentu hidangan laut mulai dari kepiting hingga ikan hiu. Soal rasa, coba sendiri deh pasti ketagihan. Tapi karena ini masakan Bali jadi bumbu-bumbunya agak pedas. Jangan lupa kalau mampir ke sini persiapkan kocek yang agak lumayan. :D

Mom, dad, Saka, Tia, Granny
Thank you for the dinner you two! :*